Digital and EP versions available now

Most popular songs on spotify currently from the album "A New Dawn"

1. Houses of the Unholy
2. Medical Alert
3. Fear Not
4. A New Dawn
5. Kingdom of Glory

Inspirational Gospel & Worship Songs For EVERYONE

Here at Dragon Slayer Music, you can discover the vibrant world of alternative Christian music in San Francisco, CA. We invite you to check out our tracks featuring contemporary Christian music, church songs, and worship songs for youths and adults. This music is truly for people of all ages and from all walks of life.

Contact us today to learn more about our music.

How To Listen

To listen to Dragon Slayer Music’s CD sample tracks, visit hearnow.com and select the purchase link to buy your favorite individual tracks or the entire CD.

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See my Hear Now link below for my newly released album:

Hear Now

Gospel Praise And Worship Songs in Burlingame, CA Revival Album Cover The Great Awakening A_New_Dawn

CD: Dragon Slayer Music

Tracks include:

  1. In the Beginning
  2. So Smart
  3. Charge of His Light Brigade
  4. Family of Faith
  5. The Future is Bright
  6. Will There Be Time?
  7. Dragon Slayer
  8. A Helping Hand
  9. Heaven Bound
  10. The Innocent Ones
  11. Will You Still Know Me?
  12. There's Nothing New
    (Under the Sun)

CD: Revival

Tracks include:

  1. Revival
  2. Days of Noah
  3. Dare to Believe
  4. Songs of Psalm
  5. Resurrection Power
  6. Help Is On the Way
  7. Plain and Simple
  8. Root of All Evil
  9. Break the Chains
  10. Jubilation
  11. Something Better
  12. Eternal Love

CD: The Great Awakening

Tracks include:

  1. Find Yourself
  2. Darkness To Light
  3. Face the Music
  4. Deliverance
  5. Tell Them Now
  6. Alive In Christ
  7. Thankful
  8. The Great Awakening
  9. A Little More Love
  10. Higher Frequency
  11. More Than Conquerors
  12. For It Is Written

CD: A New Dawn

Tracks include:

  1. Lambs and Lions
  2. Fear Not
  3. Kingdom of Glory
  4. Revelation
  5. Limitless
  6. Medical Alert
  7. Divine Destiny
  8. Houses of the Unholy
  9. Yeshua
  10. A New Dawn
  11. Road To Damascus
  12. Imagine More